

In this folder

post-doctoral position project DECLIC

Accounting for forest dynamics in the calculation of the carbon substitution of wood products

Simulating the freeze-thaw cycles within tree stems

Post-doctoral Researcher Position in Multi-scale Modelling of Lignocellulosic Biomass Deconstruction

Duration position in Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

2 years postdoctoral position : Accounting for forest dynamics in the calculation of the carbon substitution of wood products

Post-doctoral researcher to study density-based reconstruction of climate using the collection of Bristlecone pines at LTRR.

Modelling the constitutional evolution of building materials and structures with respect to aging

Associate/Full Professor in Forest Sciences in AgroParisTech

2 fully funded research position in forest ecology and applied science of forest engineering available for Early Stage Researchers

  • 1 (current)