Post-doc position UMR BETA

Post-doc position UMR BETA

2 years postdoctoral position : Accounting for forest dynamics in the calculation of the carbon substitution of wood products

  • Location

UMR BETA, Nancy, France
UMR Eco&Sols, Montpellier, France

  • Mission

This research project starts from the general research hypothesis that the dynamic consideration of forest carbon fluxes and stocks affects the value of substitution. In order to test this hypothesis, we propose first to couple a growth and harvest simulator developed in a previous project (BiCaFF, funded by ADEME) by Aude Valade and Valentin Bellassen7 with a forest sector bio-economic model (FFSM, French Forest Sector Model) developed at BETA9,10. Based on this coupling, the project will then provide a LCA of wood products that will take carbon dynamics upstream into account.

  • Skills

Degree required: Ph.D. in forestry, ecology, economics or environmental sciences.

The profile sought is that of a research modeler in ecology and/or forest sciences, with an appetence for economics or an economist with skills in forestry and/or ecological modelling. A good knowledge of forest dynamics models is required. Previous experience in model coupling would be appreciated

  • Application

Applications and inquiries should be sent to:

Sylvain Caurla, researcher ( 03 83 39 68 96
Aude Valade, researcher (
Valentin Bellassen, researcher (

Application deadline: April 15th 2021. Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis, as soon they are received.

Please submit your application as a single PDF file. This file should contain a 1-page cover letter describing your motivation to apply, a CV including relevant degrees, a publication list, and the contact information of 2 current or former supervisors.

  • Contact

Sylvain Caurla, researcher ( 03 83 39 68 96