Associate/Full Professor position

Associate/Full Professor position

Associate/Full Professor in Forest Sciences in AgroParisTech

  • Place

The recruited professor will be appointed at the Nancy Center in Lorraine (France)

  • Missions

Teaching responsibilities will include courses at Master level in the International Master in Euro-pean Forestry, and participation in the form of lectures at different Masters programs such as: Forests and their Environment (FEN), Agricultural and Forest Ecosystems (ECOSAFE), Wood and Forests Sustainable Development (BFD).
As regards the engineering curriculum, the recruited Professor will participate in the manage-ment of the AgroParisTech establishment diploma in Forest Sciences and Engineering and will teach in the three years of this curriculum and, in particular, in the third year, in the Forest Man-agement (GF) and Forest Resources and Wood Sector (RFF) majors.
Finally, he/she will propose and lead digital teaching and continuing education projects, in par-ticular by piloting the teaching activities of the RENFOR Research-Innovation-Pedagogy cluster (French Forest Service, INRAE, AgroParisTech) on forest stand renewal.

  • Skills

-a PhD in Forest Sciences or similar.
-Demonstrated ability to supervise a PhD students — e.g. have directed a PhD student in the past.
-Teaching experience.
-Demonstrated ability to attract research funding. 5)We expect candidates to have a basic knowledge of French language, although expectations around language are not going to be determinant for the position. We encourage all applicants with basic level of French language to apply (level B1). We expect candidates to be fluent in French within 3 years of their recruitment.

  • Application

The official application is expected to be launched in a few weeks. The applicants will be requested to send within one month the following documents:
-Activity Report.
-Teaching and Research perspectives, highlighting your teaching and research philosophy and your envisioned program.
Applications must be submitted in French language, but we encourage all applicants to apply, as the level of French language is not a criteria for selection. After a first selection step based on these documents, the selected candidates will be invited to present their experience to a board of examiners, and to give a course on a topic given the day before. These hearings will be planned in November or December.

Deadline application June 30th, 2021.

The job is supposed to start in January 2022

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