Wood 3D printing

Wood 3D printing

This project is a collaboration between SOLEIL Synchrotron and French Wood Sciences GDR (GDR 3544 Sciences du Bois) supported by CNRS, INRAE, AgroParisTech and the french Ministry of Culture.

This project is an “open science” project that includes mediation and teaching purposes. The objective was to use High resolution X-ray microtomography in order to scan the huge structural variability of wood species, worldwide. Then all the 3D images are analysed, cleaned and transformed into files that could be read by 3D printers. These files will be provided for free . Everyone could use these files for communication or teaching purposes in order to explain and make visible the specificities of the wood anatomical structures.

First, we built a small national team of 6 researchers from 4 french laboratories (Nancy, Cluny, Montpellier, Clermont-Ferrand) who are active members of the Wood Science GDR. We used our national networks in order to get wood samples that are representative of the wood international diversity. For this, we collaborated with two national collections: the collection of AgroParisTech (Nancy, France) and the CIRAD’s collection (Montpellier, France) that is specialized in tropical trees. Around 120 species (temperate and tropical trees) were sampled.

In 2023, samples were brought to the PSICHE beamline of the Soleil synchrotron facility and re-cut in order to fulfil the dimensions required for the scans. More than 200 scans were recorded: around 150 scans in “low” resolution (1.28μm/pixel) and around 50 scans in “high” resolution (0.63 μm/pixel).

Data are now under processing by the microtomographic facility of the PhenoBois Plateform in the PIAF laboratory (Clermont-Ferrand, France): the 3D volumes are cleaned, transformed into binary files and into .stl format, which is suitable for 3D printers. The collection of files will be available for free on the “GDR Sciences du Bois” web site.

Note that these files own to the Wood Sciences GDR. They are provided for communication and teaching purposes and cannot be used for business activity.

New files coming soon !
To download the file click on the image

Sapin de Vancouvers, Abies Grandis





Mélèze commun (Larix decidua)

Tilleul à petite feuille (Tila cordata)

Cedre Himalaya Cedrus deodora

Hetre (beech)

Tilleuil (lime tree)

Sapin (Fir)

Olivier / Olea europaea / Olive tree

If / Taxus baccata

Alisier Torminal / Sorbus torminalis


For any request, please contact eric.badel@inrae.fr 

Modification date: 17 July 2024 | Publication date: 11 April 2024 | By: Eric Badel