Researcher - Wood Technology, Circular Economy

Researcher - Wood Technology, Circular Economy

Duration position in Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

  • Place

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

Høgskoleveien 8, Ås

  • Mission

The researcher will contribute to research related to the utilization and use of wood, based on sustainability and the principle of a circular economy along the entire value chain from logging via production of products to reuse and material recycling.

  • Skills

PhD in wood technology, chemistry, material technology, circular economy or equivalent
Experience in writing scientific publications and reports 
Experience in developing projects and writing project applications
Documented skills in modelling and statistical analysis
Good communication skills in oral and written English
Candidates that do not master the Norwegian language have to learn written and spoken Norwegian within two years from the time of employment

  • Application

Please send your application with CV electronically via the link on this page.
Take diplomas and letters of recommendation with you if invited to an interview, or submit them as an attachment along with the electronic application/CV.
Deadline 9th April 2021

  • Contact

Dr. Lone Ross Gobakken on +47 911 97 268 or see website

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