

In this folder

The University of Canterbury, NZ, is looking to employ a lecturer/senior lecturer for Wood Processing

Wet lamination and drying of cellulose nanofibrils hygrogels on paper boards for renewable and biodegradable packaging: microstructures and hygrome chanical couplings

in the Institute for Plant Cell Biology and Biotechnology (Prof. Dr. Markus Pauly) at the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf

TU Wien is looking for 3 PostDocs in the interdisciplinary research project Advanced Computational Design

USDA: Assistant Director in charge of Wood Products Research position

Assistant/Associate Professor of Sustainable Biomaterials, Division of Forestry and Natural Resources

Structural wood-based building materials

Fluid Transfers during Drying of Bio-based Construction Materials

12-month postdoctoral position on forest dynamics modeling at UCLouvain, Belgium

  • 1 (current)