Postdoctoral Research Associate in Boku

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Boku

Structural wood-based building materials

  • Location

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna

Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering, Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Materials

 3430 Tulln a.d. Donau

  • Mission

-Acquisition, execution and management of competitively funded research projects in the area of “structural wood-based building materials” as well as participation in the same

-Project reporting and scientific publishing in the context of relevant research projects

-Teaching in the field of wood technology and wood-based materials

-Supervision of bachelor theses as well as co-supervision of master theses and dissertations

  • Skills

-Completed doctoral studies in the field of wood technology, wood science, material science, wood/timber construction, civil engineering or related relevant fields

-Profound knowledge in the area of wood-based materials, material sciences and wood technology

-Documented experience in publishing research results 

-Basic experience in acquiring research funding

  • Application

 Applications can be submitted until: 4th of June 2020

Send your job application to Personnel department, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, 1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan-Straße 70;

E-Mail: (Reference code: 94)

  • Contact