PhD Position in Computer Science

PhD Position in Computer Science

Multiscale Modeling of Plant Cell Wall Deconstruction

  • Location

The PhD student will be engaged in a collaborative project between two laboratories: FARE laboratory in Reims, France and MORPHEME team in Sophia-Antipolis, France.

  • Mission

The PhD project will involve:
- Interaction with engineers in charge of collecting time-lapse 3D acquisitions of maize stem samples during enzymatic hydrolysis using a fluorescence confocal microscopy. Collected datasets will include different maize samples (wild-type and mutant) under different conditions (e.g. enzymatic activity).
- Extraction of virtual representations of maize stem samples during hydrolysis from the collected time-lapse confocal datasets using the existing 4D image processing pipeline [2].
- Coupling these representations with computational models (e.g. partial differential equations that describe the underlying mechanisms of enzymatic deconstruction [3]) to reveal hidden variables that govern the hydrolysis.

  • Skills

Candidates should have a master in computer science, engineering, applied mathematics, or related fields. Applicants should have good skills in the Python programming language. Experience in image processing and computational modeling would also be advantageous. Good communication skills are essential as the successful candidate will need to work in an interdisciplinary team gathering different researchers and write up their research work for presentation and publication.

  • Application

Applicants should send a letter of motivation and a detailed CV to :
Dr. Yassin Refahi,, +33 (0)3 26 77 35 86
Dr. Grégoire Malandain,, +33 (0)4 89 15 43 21
Dr. Gabriel Paës,, +33 (0)3 26 77 36 25