PhD position in Fraunhofer WKI and TU Braunschweig

PhD position in Fraunhofer WKI and TU Braunschweig

Wood cross- sections subjected to impact load


  • Mission

The successful candidate will work on the project "Development of a sustainable guardrail system". The focus will be on design, testing and analytical modeling of impact-loaded wood- and composite wood cross-sections, constitute equations, and vehicle-guardrail interaction.

  • Skills

- MS degree or equivalent in material science, civil, aerospace or mechanical engineering or equivalent from an accredited institution
- knowledge of wood as a construction material is desirable

  • Application

Interested candidates should send the motivation letter, CV, transcripts and names of at least three references to 

Bo Kasal PhD, PE
Professor and Head

Application process starts immediatelly and applications will be accepted until suitable candidate is found.