PhD offer Ugent - Enhance Wood

PhD offer Ugent - Enhance Wood

PhD in Bioscience Engineering on enhanced wood protection for green building wood products

  • Location

Ghent University – Laboratory of Wood Technology

  • Mission

The main objective is to identify wood treatment technologies based on nano-chemicals that can prevent decay and protect against fire. Such a combined action will focus on applicability
for solid wood-based products like CLT. The main challenges are the ability of the nano- chemicals to penetrate wood species like spruce (commonly used for timber construction materials) and to allow for sufficient fixation through cell wall penetration. In this regard, we will explore two complementary approaches: active and passive. They will both be used and prioritized in relation to their functional potential for the project.

  • Skills

Master’s degree in Chemistry, Biology, Bioscience Engineering, Engineering Science or similar.
You have experience in wood science.
You work at the crossroads of multiple disciplines, from chemistry (biology) to wood science to engineering.

  • Application

Send your motivation letter (English) and CV (Dutch or English, with an indication of degrees obtained) using reference ‘PhD EnhanceWood’ before 22 January 2023 to

  • Contact