PhD offer renewable materials

PhD offer renewable materials

Large-scale 3D printing of wall systems made from renewable materials

  • Location

BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Institute of Chemistry of Renewable Resources Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Resources

  • Mission

This PhD project is focusing on the development of bio-based granulate formulations capable to robot-3D print large-scale walls for buildings, through formulation design, chemical modification and advanced material characterization.

  • Skills

Master’s degree in any field of chemistry, chemical engineering, material chemistry, technology of renewable resources (wood), environmental engineering, or related fields; High motivation for studies and working within interdisciplinary research projects; excellent communication skills in written and spoken English.

  • Application

Send your application, including your full CV (provide especially information about your achieved Bachelor and Master degrees), a letter of motivation, and names of potential references, to Prof. Falk Liebner ( and also to Prof. Rupert Wimmer (