PhD at UGent – Woodlab

PhD at UGent – Woodlab

PhD in Bioscience Engineering on wood supply for the European bioeconomy

  • Location

Ghent University

  • Mission

-Study the current forestry wood chain and potential contribution of the agricultural sector for the European bioeconomy focusing on bio-based products for green building.
-Study the social, economic and environmental impact of different scenarios to use wood for the bioeconomy in general.
-Assess the current processing technology and industrial viability to implement innovative use of lignocellulosic resources for the bioeonomy.

  • Skills

Master’s degree in Economics, Science, Bioscience Engineering, Engineering Science or similar
You work at the crossroads of multiple disciplines, from economics to wood science to engineering.
You have experience in wood science

  • Application

Send your motivation letter (English) and CV (Dutch or English, with an indication of degrees obtained) using reference ‘PhD Bioeconomy resources’ before 22 January 2023 to

  • Contact