PhD position in the CANOPI project

PhD position in the CANOPI project

distribution and determinants work package

  • Location

University of Liège
Gembloux, Belgium

  • Mission

Using up-to-date modelling methods, the candidate will identify the environmental determinants shaping the distribution of plant communities and produce floristic and functional maps of central African forests. You will explore the relationship between the distribution of species, communities, and forests and functional traits, specifically those related to drought-mitigation strategies.

  • Skills

Applicants should hold a MSc degree in ecology, biogeography, environmental science, computational biology, statistics and data science, or related fields. The successful candidate should be able to independently conduct spatial and statistical analyses (in R, C++ or other programming language).
Candidates should be able and willing to conduct fieldwork under harsh logistic climatic conditions. The candidate should be able to speak properly in French for the field and to speak and write properly in English for interactions with colleagues and for scientific communication

  • Application

Prepare a 1-page CV and a 1-page motivation letter and send this to &

Deadline application 01st September 2022