PhD position EcoReFibre

PhD position EcoReFibre

Ecological Solutions for Recovery of Secondary Materials from Post-Consumer Fibreboards

  • Location

ESB Nantes
LIMBHA (laboratory for innovation, wood materials, housing and learning)

  • Mission

Although Europe is a major producer and consumer of fibreboard products, specific data on their conversion to waste is missing. Investors who wish to take-up the technologies developed and demonstrated within EcoReFibre will require reliable data on the quantities and characteristics of these wastes before they invest. These data do not currently exist and is, in fact, a completely unexplored area and requires an integrative and international approach. Although some predictions have been made on a global scale, there are no specific data for Europe. EcoReFibre will carry out a detailed market study to deliver data that can determine and predict the current and future availability of waste MDF (as the dominant fraction of fibreboard) as a basis for recycling business activities in Europe. This will be achieved via three project Tasks:
1. Determining the volumes of fibreboard consumed in Europe
2. Modelling historical and future waste fibreboard volumes in Europe
3. Measuring the quality and proportion of fibreboard present in European waste wood streams

Consequently, the research will consist of desktop studies on waste volumes plus experiments covering the collection of samples of recovered wood from recycling centres and particleboard factories and their characterisation (physical, chemical and biological properties)

  • Skills

The candidate must: 
-Have a good and well documented academic track record that would permit them to register for a PhD 
-Be proficient in the application of statistics and use of Excel 
-Be able to find, review and analyse published data 
-Be able to speak and write in English to at least the C1 level 

  • Application

Applications should be sent to before 27th June 2022

  • Contact