PhD position Biomass pyrolysis

PhD position Biomass pyrolysis

Biomass pyrolysis: advanced experiments and modeling

  • Location

CNRS, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France

  • Mission

The target of this PhD is to develop advanced well-controlled experiments in order to reveal and model the mechanisms of biomass pyrolysis. We intend to conduct experiments with a novel laser device (developed at CNRS Nancy) on:
1) Model macromolecules (cellulose, lignines, hemicelluloses);
2) Different particles of real-life biomasses.

  • Skills

An engineer or master with skills in chemical engineering, chemistry and/or energy, with a strong wish to work on an interdisciplinary topic linking biology (cell walls of biomasses), heat transfers, optic (laser), analytical chemistry and chemical kinetics.

  • Application

Submit before 10th July 2022, on the website:

Transcript of records of master or engineering degree, for the last 2 years, with ranking :
-Detailed topic of the master research project of the last year
-CV and motivation letter
-Recommendation letters of master or research project supervisor.

  • Contact