PhD position UMR BETA

PhD position UMR BETA

Accounting for land use dynamics in the calculation of carbon substitution by wood products

  • Location

UMR BETA, Nancy, France
UMR CIRED, Nogent-sur-Marne, France,

  • Mission

The variability observed in the value of DF comes from discrepancies in the definition of the boundaries of both pathways, which leads to differences in how emissions related to resource extraction, manufacturing processes, product use and end-of-life destination for wood and non- wood products are accounted for. In particular, if, within a given territory, demand cannot be met from local production, products will likely be imported from elsewhere, a phenomenon known as leakage7. For example, forest conservation policies in Finland and China increased wood harvest in Russia to support Finnish and Chinese wood consumption8. Leakage can also be indirect when stricter forest conservation policies affect sectors other than forestry, e.g., switching of economic activity from forestry to pit mining as a response to logging restrictions. Our research hypothesis is that considering such leakage effects, in particular when they result in land use changes abroad, can significantly affect the substitution values of wood products.

  • Skills

-Degree required: Master of Science or Engineering with relevant background in environmental economics, environmental sciences or forestry.
-Strong appetence for modelling approaches and inter-disciplinary research.
-Prior experience with large-scale modelling (environmental sciences or economics) and
-knowledge of programming softwares (R, Python, C++, etc.) are appreciated.
-Capacity to work in English is required. Knowledge of the French language appreciated.

  • Application

Applications and inquiries should be sent to:

Sylvain Caurla, researcher ( 03 83 39 68 96

Application deadline: May 31st 2021

Please submit your application as a single PDF file. This file should contain a 1-page cover letter describing your motivation to apply, a CV including relevant degrees and publications and the contact information of a current or former supervisor.

  • Contact

Sylvain Caurla, researcher ( 03 83 39 68 96