PhD Position in forest growth

PhD Position in forest growth

PhD Position in forest growth – focus on 3D modelling of tree structures

  • Location

University of Freiburg, Chair of Forest Growth and Dendroecology

  • Mission

The research project INTEGRA targets the employment of agroforestry systems (AFS) as a potential response. The project aims at investigating the ecosystem services and environmental benefits of AFS as an innovative, multi-purpose land-use management practice with a special focus on trees as food resource and important habitat for pollinator insects. For that purpose, we will thoroughly investigate trees and shrubs in AFS using 3D data.

  • Skills

A highly motivated junior researcher (m/f/d) in the field of computer sciences, geomatics, bioinformatics, remote sensing, ecology, forest sciences, agricultural sciences or related fields.

The candidate should have:

-An MSc degree in one of the above-mentioned fields
-A high interest in structural modelling and/or 3D modelling
-A strong background in a high-level programming environment e.g. R, C++ or Python
-The ability to work independently as well as part of an international team
-Excellent English communication skills (written, verbal)

  • Application

Please send your application, consisting of an application letter of max. 1 page, your CV, relevant certificates (MSc., BSc., Diploma etc.), one reference letter and the names and contact details of two academic reference persons by 15th April 2021 to (Subject: “PhD position INTEGRA”)
All documents should be merged to one single PDF-file!

  • Contact

Dr. Christopher Morhart