optimization thesis

optimization thesis

Optimization, fabrication and characterization of wood/natural fiber composite hybrid laminates

  • Place

49, rue Mademoiselle Bourgeois
58 000NEVERS

24 Chemin de l’Epitaphe

  • Mission

The first part of the work will concern the development of the process of elaboration of the hybrid materials themselves, beginning with the selection of the constituents and the assembly method.
The exploration will concern the wood species, the types of natural fibers as well as the matrices (thermoplastic resultingfrom recycling, or biosourced thermosetpolymers). The structuring of the laminates will take into account the characteristics of the wood plies (mapping of local fiber orientation) in order to obtain homogeneous target properties by adding composite plies. The hybrid materials developed will then be characterized physically and mechanically (static and dynamic/vibrational properties), in order to estimate their variability and the relevance of predictive models. Finally, we will study the effect of aging (humidity, temperature, UV...)on a range of physical and mechanical properties

  • Skills

Master's degree in research or engineering school with a focus on mechanics.
Skills in design/manufacturing.
Experimental skills. Knowledge of wood, composite structures (laminates) and polymers.
Proficiency in Matlab or Python.
Mastery of a non-linear finite element code.

  • Application

Please send the following documents (all in one PDF file) by e-mail to jerome.rousseau@u-bourgogne.fr:

-For EU candidates: Copy of your national ID card or of your passport page where your photo is printed.
-For non-EU candidates: Copy of your passport page where your photo is printed

-Curriculum Vitae (1 page).

-Letter of motivation relatively to the position (1 page).

-Copy of your Master degree and/or Engineer degree if already available.

-Copy of your final marks and ranks.6) Coordinates of reference persons (maximum 3, at least your master thesis supervisor): Title, Name, organization, e-mail

Deadline application June 15th, 2021

  • Contact

Placet, Vincent (vincent.placet@univ-fcomte.fr)

Rousseau, Jérôme (jerome.rousseau@u-bourgogne.fr)

El Moussaid, Mohammed (mohammed.el-moussaid@u-bourgogne.fr)