PhD Offer in Ghent University

PhD Offer in Ghent University

Les travaux porteront sur la relation entre la formation du bois et la phénologie foliaire en utilisant des techniques de tomographie à Rayons X.

  • Location

You will be hired by UGent-Woodlab (the first two years) and by UAntwerpen-PLECO (the last two years).

  • Mission

Work on intra-seasonal wood formation (xylogenesis), leaf phenology (autumn senescence) and X-ray CT technology. The first two years, your task will be to develop suitable protocols for sample preparation, sample staining as well as software development, for automated X-ray CT scanning and analysis in function of wood formation. The last two years, you will apply the new method to study the relationship between wood formation and autumn leaf phenology across various European sites.

  • Skills

-a master degree in (Bio-) Science/Engineering.
-a strong interest in wood formation, leaf phenology and X-ray CT scanning.
-speak and write English fluently.
-an interest in working with or knowledge and experience on tree-ring analysis, wood formation, phenology, data analysis and / or non-destructive imaging.
-ICT / programming skills (Python / R) are required.

  • Application

Applications must contain the following documents (in English):

  1. Short personal motivation letter mainly elaborating on your interest and experience in the specific domains mentioned above.
  2. Scientific resume and diplomas. 
  3. Detailed academic results (courses and grades).
  4. Relevant publications if any.
  5. Two reference contacts.

The documents should be sent to prof. dr. ir. Jan Van den Bulcke ( and prof. dr. ir. Matteo Campioli (, before the 15th of July, 2020, 13 PM CEST. The subject of your e-mail should be CTwood_family name_first name. After the first screening, suitable candidates will be invited for an interview (also possible via Skype or MS Teams).

  • Contact

prof. dr. ir. Jan Van den Bulcke (

prof. dr. ir. Matteo Campioli (

More information