PhD in forest modeling and simulation

PhD in forest modeling and simulation

Four-year funding for a PhD in forest modeling and simulation of multi-aged and mixed forests

  • Location

This position is opened at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège (


In many situations forest management is changing, but managers have so far little hindsight and few tools to predict the effects of their actions on future wood supply and ecosystem services. This thesis project aims to develop such tools. In addition, these tools will be used in combination with the marteloscope, i.e. permanent plots that are used for forest management education ( The result of this project will then enrich the teaching material used in the different marteloscopes.

  • Skills

The candidate should hold a master in ecological modeling, forest science, environmental science or statistics. The candidate should be very interested in forest modeling. The candidate will benefit from knowledge in statistical modeling (preferably with R), silviculture and forest ecology. Knowledge of a programming language (preferably Java) is a plus.

  • Application

Starting date: the 1st January of 2021 

Please send your application (curriculum vitae and a cover letter) or question to Gauthier Ligot ( Application deadline: until position is filled

  • Contact