2 PhD positions in Innorenew COE

2 PhD positions in Innorenew COE

Sustainable Carbon-based Materials and Composites

  • Position overview

RMC Assistant Researcher positions involve work related to thermochemical treatment (carbonization) of biomass and development of high-value composites, coatings, and sensor materials. Specifically, research will include:

-Developing novel pre- and post-processing methodologies for carbonization of biomass

-Developing composite materials and protective coatings using carbonized biomass

-Evaluating the electrical properties of thermochemically treated biomass and resulting composite materials

  • Required qualifications

-M.S. (master of science) in wood science, material science, chemistry, biomaterial engineering or related area

-Experience in bio-based materials and/or carbon materials

-Experience with lab work and data analysis

-Excellent communication skills in written and spoken English

-Ability to interact with industry and other researchers

  • Preferred qualifications

-Background in organic and inorganic chemistry

-Experience in advanced chemical, mechanical, and analytical testing related to fiber and nanoparticle raw materials and carbon materials

-Knowledge of composite materials

-Ability to formulate and communicate new research ideas and prepare research proposals

  • How to apply

Interested applicants should email the following documents (PDF format) to coe@innorenew.eu:

-Curriculum vitae

-Motivation letter (maximum one A4 page)

-Summary of previous research experience (master’s thesis, for example)

-Certified copy of master´s diploma/certificate and official records transcript, with translations if originals are not in English

  • Start date

July 1, 2020 is the expected start date but can be flexible, depending on the successful applicants; however, the start date needs to be set prior to the beginning of fall classes at the University of Primorska (October 2020).

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