Postdoc position Modelling changes

Postdoc position Modelling changes

Modelling changes in biogeochemical cycling and the soil chemical fertility of forest ecosystems of the Renecofor network (ICP Forests Level II)

  • Location

UR 1138-Biogéochimie des Ecosystèmes Forestiers, INRAE Centre Grand-Est Nancy, 54280 Champenoux, France.

  • Mission

The objective of this project is to analyze the processes and the different drivers of changes in soil chemical fertility of 9 forested sites in metropolitan France (see Methods section) in order to improve our understanding of their biogeochemical functioning. A very common approach for this is to calculate mass balances (difference between the input and output fluxes in a system) for the different nutrients to estimate the variations in plant-available pools in the soils.

  • Skills

PhD in soil sciences, biogeochemistry or geochemistry
Biogeochemical cycles, soil science (experience in forest ecosystems is a plus), statistical analysis, report and scientific paper writing skills. This project aiming to use an existing computer model, skills and experience in the use and/or development of numerical models or computer programming is not necessary but may be considered a plus.

  • Application

To apply for this position, send us before June 1st 2024 an application letter, your curriculum vitae, a list of your scientific publications and a copy of your diplomas to and