Researcher wood science

Researcher wood science

Post-doc position with the topic wood modification and wood-water interactions

  • Location

Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, at the Division of Building Materials, Sweden

  • Mission

The position connects to the division’s research on wood and bio-based materials and concerns work on modified wood. You will study both chemically and thermally modified wood and how these change the wood-water interactions. Chemical modification will be used to get a fundamental understanding of the role of water in fungal degradation of wood; in particular how the amount, location and state of water affects the degradability of the material. This will be done by combining precise control of both internal and external moisture conditions of the wood. You will work with chemical wood modifications to control the internal moisture conditions within the wood structure. Additionally, you will study thermally modified wood with the aim to understand how process parameters of the heat treatment process affects the moisture related properties and durability of the wood.

  • Skills

-A PhD or equivalent research qualification within wood science, material science, building material science or other subject relevant for the position. 
-Very good oral and written proficiency in English. 
-Experience in publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals
-Documented experience of research on wood/biobased materials
-The ability to independently plan, perform and evaluate research studies.

  • Application

Applications are to be submitted via the University’s recruitment system. The application should include a CV and a personal letter justifying your interest in the position and how it matches your qualifications. The application should also include a degree certificate or equivalent and any other document to which you would like to draw attention (copies of grade transcripts, details of referees, letters of recommendation, etc.). Deadline application 08.Jan.2023 11:59 PM CET

  • Contact

Maria Fredriksson, 046-2227412

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