Professor in Tree Growth and Wood Physiology

Professor in Tree Growth and Wood Physiology

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) invites applications for the position of Professor in »Tree Growth and Wood Physiology« W3 Associate or W3 Full Professor; to begin as soon as possible.

  • Location

TUM School of Life Sciences, Department Life Science Systems, located at the interdisciplinary campus Freising-Weihenstephan

  • Missions

The responsibilities include research and teaching as well as the promotion of early-career scientists. The School seek to appoint an expert in the research area of tree growth and wood physiology based on experimental or modelling data with a focus on forest stands and environmental change. Teaching responsibilities include courses in the university’s bachelor and master programs, including the master’s program Sustainable Resource Management.

  • Skills

Candidates who have demonstrated excellent achievements in research and teaching in an internationally recognized scientific environment, relative to the relevant career level (please see for further information).

A university degree and an outstanding doctoral degree or equivalent scientific qualification, as well as pedagogical aptitude, including the ability to teach in English, are prerequisites. Substantial research experience abroad, commitment to interdisciplinary research and the proven ability to attract competitive third-party funding (e.g., EU, DFG, AiF) are expected.

  • Application

Application documents should be submitted in accordance with TUM’s application guidelines for professors. These guidelines and detailed information about the TUM Faculty Recruitment and Career System are available at Here you will also find TUM’s information on collecting and processing personal data as part of the application process.

Please send your application no later than May 8, 2023 to the Dean of the TUM School of Life Sciences, Prof. Ingrid Kögel-Knabner via our recruitment portal:

  • Contact