Postgraduate Research Associate

Postgraduate Research Associate position

The Research Group led by Prof. Benjamin Kromoser is a very motivated team performing research in the fields of design, calculation, dimensioning and manufacturing of resource efficient building constructions made of wood and concrete. They are hiring new team members which will focus on the development of new systems and processes in the field of recyclable prefabricated façade systems for thermal insulation of existing buildings and applicable for new buildings.

  • Location

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department of Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards Institute of Green Civil Engineering

  • Mission

Research Topic: Recyclable prefabricated façade systems for thermal insulation - Constructive system development and environmental and economic evaluation.
The aim of the research is to develop different constructive embodiments of prefabricated façade systems (e.g. from renewable raw materials) which can be produced within an automated process and be used for thermal rehabilitation of existing buildings and as facades for new buildings. The focus will be on resource-efficient and recyclable systems and building materials as well as efficient and economical production and installation. Accompanying the research into technical solutions, an environmental and economic analysis will be carried out in order to be able to quantify the potential accordingly.

  • Skills

Master’s degree in mechanical engineering, automation technology, architecture or civil engineering. If possible experience in designing wood and concrete structures and conducting experimental investigations. Experience in an engineering or architecture office is of advantage but not mandatory

  • Application

Please send your application including CV, information about the BSc- and MSc-grades, cover letter and a list with names of potential references to Prof. Benjamin Kromoser (