Research scientist in monitoring of climate change impacts

Research scientist in monitoring of climate change impacts

External competition IGN France

  • Location

LIF Laboratory of Forest Inventory-IGN (Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière)

  • Mission

-Development of an annualized national spatio-temporal monitoring system of the impacts of climate change on forests
-Development of trans-national monitoring approaches and contribution to the development of a European monitoring system
-Scientific foresight for the development of updated vulnerability indicators of forests to major disturbances

  • Skills

-transversal skills in forestry science, biometrics, climate change, and especially in forest inventory. An academic course gradually built around research teams using inventory data in different countries can be a significant asset,
- interest in both applied research in information system engineering, and in fundamental understanding of the observed phenomena.
-initial network of collaborations in the field of forest inventory, especially in Europe.
-scientific contributions identified in the forest dynamics, climate change and monitoring communities.
-an ability to initiate and conduct a research project independently, to obtain contractual funding, to integrate broad collaborations, and an interactive and invested know-how.
-a first experience and an interest in higher education.

  • Application

Deadline application 18th March 2022

To apply click here

  • Contact

Jean-Daniel Bontemps,;

Nicolas Paparoditis,