Postdoc position in 3D forest fuel structure

Postdoc position in 3D forest fuel structure

Postdoc position in 3D forest fuel structure from HD Airborne LiDAR for fire hazard assessment

  • Location

INRAE Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur
UR629 URFM Ecologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes
84000 Avignon - France

  • Mission

The goal of the post-doctoral project is to develop and evaluate a fuel typology and fuel mapping accounting for fuel structure based on these datasets, in combination with additional geoinformation such as species-based fuel maps. This includes the wildland urban interface, in which fuel can be highly heterogeneous because of fuel-reduction legal obligations. Such a fuel map -among other applications- will be integrated as explanatory variable in existing probabilistic fire-activity models.

  • Skills

-Scientific analyses based of Airborne LiDAR data
-Skills in fire or forest ecology appreciated
-R language; Experience with Cloud Compare, Computree or AMAPVox appreciated
-programming languages such as Java or C++ appreciated
-Excellent writing skills in English

  • Application

To apply click here before the 15th May 2022

  • Contact

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