Post-doc position tree community dynamics

Post-doc position tree community dynamics

Postdoctoral position in ecology - 24 months Alternative stable and transient states in tree community dynamics – application to European forests

  • Location

LISC lab located in Clermont-Ferrand, France

  • Mission

The aim of the postdoc will be to use already calibrated IPMs for European and North-American trees to assess by simulations the likelihood and duration of alternative transient states in tree communities, and how these alternative transient states might be influenced by environmental conditions along large environmental gradients at continental scales. More generally, this work will contribute to our growing understanding of the role of transient dynamics for species coexistence in various ecological systems

  • Skills

-have a PhD in ecology, computer science or a related field 
-have a good publication record evidencing quantitative skills

  • Application

Starting date May or September 2022

To apply, e-mail a letter of application, a CV and the names and email addresses of two references to Franck Jabot

  • Contact