Woodrise 2023

Woodrise 2023

Student competition - Seismic-proof structure

After a successful WooodRise conference 2022 in Portorož, Slovenia, next year’s WoodRise conference will be held in October 2023 in Bordeaux, France. We’re glad to inform you that the organizing committee (FCBA, France, FP Innovations, Canada, Building Research Institute, Japan) decided to organise a student competition as a conference side event.  The challenge has the aim to create mock-ups of mid-and high-rise wood buildings designed as seismic-proof wood structures. The competition is a two-step process of concept development and mock-up building where those teams who reach the second step will have their structures tested in the seismic laboratory at the FCBA facility. The competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students with the call to candidacy open until January 2023 (see attached PDF for further details).