Tenure track position announcement

Tenure track position announcement

Virtual laboratory to match variable biomass properties with target functions (VARIOUS)

  • Location

INRAE Biopolymers, Interaction and Assemblies laboratory in Nantes (France) in association with the Ecole Centrale de Nantesand Nantes University

  • Missions

Research project to be developed and associated activities: Industries are prompt to reduce their emissions, inducing the renovation of manufacturing practices. Frequently, the production of materials involves the use of fossil resources with well-known, stable properties.  The bioeconomy relies biomass (such as dedicated crops, co-products) which display scattered properties influenced by seasonal changes, the vagaries of climate change or transformation process. It is crucial to sort biomass deposits according to targeted uses without conducting exhaustive analysis of each biomass. In VARIOUS, we use statistical physics, already used by the Centrale Nantes engineering school (https://www.ec-nantes.fr/english-version?l=1), for the design of renewable materials. The CPJ is developing digital strategies (simulation and prediction tools for the rapid development of zero-defect products - AI), making it possible to enable the rapid sorting the different sources of biomass while limiting the need of extensive experimentation. The starting point will be microstructural data specific to BIA, where different properties (tissue structure, etc.) will be used to establish scale links to predict performances and multi-functionalities (e.g. thermal, and their couplings, etc.) and usage properties.

  • Skills

The applicant skills will ideally be at the crossroads of numerical solid mechanics and materials science (physics, chemistry). Applicant demonstrating interdisciplinary track record are desirable. The skills required cut across the fields of numerical tools and the physical chemistry of biopolymers and biomass. The initial training required to effectively lead this project will be held either by experts in numerical modeling and simulation tools who are familiar with and initiated into biomasses and plant fibers; or by material science experts specialized in biomasses and natural fibers and users of numerical tools.

  • Application

The application period will probably run from 5th March to 12th April.  Upon completion of three-years contract.

  • Contact
