Junior researcher biomechanics

Junior researcher biomechanics

A permanentposition of a junior researcher at INRAE (CRCN) in the field of tree biomechanics

A permanent position of a junior researcher at INRAE (CRCN) in the field of tree biomechanics, bringing together mechanobiology and wind risk assessment in natural ecosystems, will be available in 2025 at SILVA, in Nancy, France, deadline for applications is 4th March 2025

  • Environment, missions, activities: 

The UMR SILVA (Université de Lorraine, AgroParisTech, INRAE) is a multidisciplinary unit of around 150 people. It studies the functioning of forest ecosystems in the context of global change, paying particular attention to the multiple risks associated with the combination of different hazards (wind, drought, flooding) in order to propose management and adaptation solutions. 

You will develop a research project aimed at integrating the biomechanical signal sensed by trees into forest dynamics models. 

In forest stands, growth allocation within the tree is under strong mechanosensitive control. The perception of the mechanical signal by living cells is a little known but essential factor in the environmental control of tree growth and the active response to stress (acclimation). The response to this signal shapes trees and thus their resource acquisition traits and resistance or resilience to various stresses, which determines the services provided by forest ecosystems, including carbon storage, whether below or above ground. Integrating the response to the biomechanical signal into models of forest dynamics is a major challenge if we are to make realistic predictions for forests subject to multiple hazards and multiple growth regulation.

You will develop a conceptual framework emerging in international communities, combining the mechanical approach to wind risk on a tree structure and the mechanobiology of growth. To do this, you will formalize the integration of physiological and ecophysiological mechanisms in the computation of tree performances (wind resistance, righting capacity, self-support) and for predicting the temporal trajectories of the latter ones at the scale of forest stands in the context of global change. You will draw on knowledge and approaches from the mechanics of materials and structures, as well as from forest biology. 

You will compare this framework with the problems of assessing the risks to which forest stands are exposed, as dealt with by the Silva joint research unit. You will be able to draw on the metrology and growth modelling skills of your colleagues in the unit, on access to the forest stand monitoring systems managed by the UMR Silva, on national forest experimentation and observation infrastructures (In Sylva France, AnaEE and ICOS) as well as on the Silvatech analytical platform for characterizing the anatomical and mechanical properties of wood and the CAPSIS modelling platform. 

Experimentation in forest. Team working. Driving licence category B is highly recommended. 

  • Training and skills required: 

The competition is open to candidates with a doctorate (or equivalent). 
You have in-depth knowledge of (bio)mechanics and experience in ecophysiology or functional ecology or in-depth knowledge of ecophysiology/functional ecology and experience in biomechanics. You can combine field research and modelling, ecological theories and applied forestry issues and work in an interdisciplinary network. Experience in forest tree biomechanics would be an advantage. Fluent English skills are desirable as well as an international experience. Successful candidates who do not already have international experience must complete a study abroad period at the end of the internship year. 

  • Contacts:

Jana DLOUHA (Researcher in Tree biomechanics and thigmomorphogenesis): jana.dlouha@inrae.fr 
Thiéry CONSTANT (Researcher in Tree biomechanics and thigmomorphogenesis): thiery.constant@inrae.fr Meriem FOURNIER (SILVA Director): meriem.founier@inrae.fr