Design of microbial consortia– post-doc

Design of microbial consortia– post-doc position available

The InnoRenew CoE is seeking a highly motivated and well-qualified post-doctoral researcher to join the ERC project “Bioinspired living skin for architecture” (ARCHI-SKIN

  • Location

InnoRenew CoE
Livade 6a
6310 Izola, Slovenia

  • Mission

The primary goal for this position is to design microbial consortia incorporating fungi, algae, and bacteria with well-defined social interactions. The focus will be on engineering and controlling communication, cooperation, and competition among different microbial species. Key tasks include:
-selecting and cultivating compatible microbial species
-employing techniques such as quorum sensing manipulation, and metabolite exchange analysis
-applying advanced modelling and systems biology approaches to predict and optimize the interactions within the consortia

  • Skills

-A Ph.D. degree in biology, microbiology, biotechnology, synthetic biology, environmental engineering, or related fields
-Proven experience in designing and working with microbial consortia involving fungi, algae, and/or bacteria, particularly in contexts involving complex social interactions like cooperation, competition, or communication
-Experience with omics technologies (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics) to analyze microbial interactions
-Proficiency in molecular biology techniques such PCR
-Expertise in advanced microscopy and imaging techniques, electrochemistry and/or spectroscopy for studying microbial consortia
-Expertise in computational modeling and systems biology tools to predict and analyze microbial interactions is an extra asset
-Strong problem-solving skills and a proactive approach to developing innovative microbial engineering solutions

  • Application

3-year contract with a trial period of 3 months

Interested applicants should submit a single PDF file containing the following documents:
-Curriculum vitae
-Motivation letter for this post-doctoral position (maximum one A4 page)
-Summary (track record) of previous research experience (Ph.D. thesis, published journal papers, conference contributions)
-Certified copy of Ph.D. degree certificate and official transcript of records, and their translations, if the originals are not in English
-Contact information for two referees

All materials should be in English and submitted no later than 30 November 2024. Please insert “Post-doc microbial consortia” in the subject line of your email and submit your application to

  • Contact

Associate Professor Anna Sandak (

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